Lesson 1
- Explaining the biomechanics of the pelvis
- How the pelvis works
- Functioning of the ribs
- Motion palpation of the ribs
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the 1st rib and clavicle in the standing position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the 1st rib in supine position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the pelvis in standing position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the pelvis and lumbar spine in lateral position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the pelvis and lumbar spine in coupled biomechanics
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the superior joint of the pelvis in lateral position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the inferior joint in lateral position
- Fast stretch iliocostalis lumborum
- Motion palpation of the lumbar spine
Lesson 2
- Explanation of incorrect posture patterns
- Explanation of translation and rotation
- Learning brain-based thinking
- Explanation of pelvic dysfunction
- Plane disorders of the head, ribs and pelvis
- Pitch, roll, yaw
- What do I need to adjust?
Lesson 3
- Adjustments / manipulations of the hemisphericity
- Analysis of the posture of the hemisphericity
- Explanation of errors in flexion/extension patterns
- Adjustment / manipulation of the upper extremities
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the ribs
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the occiput
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the anterior cervicals
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the pelvis and lumbar spine in lateral position
- Fast stretching techniques for the extremities
Lesson 4
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the cervical spine with fast stretch of the Scaleni
- Posterior inferior ilium and anterior superior pelvis with SOT blocks and subsequent dropping in prone and supine position
- Kinesiology testing for the hip
- Adjustment/ manipulation hip
- Adjustment/ manipulation knee / toe / talus
Lesson 5
- Justierung/ Manipulation der Halswirbelsäule mit Fast stretch der Scaleni
- Best Adjustment Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Adjustment/ manipulation for occiput and jaw coupled
- Faststretch ears for jaw activation
Lesson 6
- Adjustment technique for the occiput
- Adjustment technique for jaw/ C2/ 1st rib
Lesson 7
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the lower extremity
- Adjustment/ Manipulation
- Hip test
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the hip in lateral position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the knee
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the ankle joint
Lesson 8
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the ankle joint with a drop piece
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the knee with a droppiece
Lesson 8a
- Adjustment of the occiput with the Chrane Condyle Lift technique
Lesson 10
- Functional neurological analysis of the brain areas
- Examination of the frontal lobe
- Examination of the cerebellum
- Examination of the vestibule
- Examination of PMRF
- Examination of the eyes ( saccades, antisaccades )
- Examination techniques with Brainapps
- Testing the primitive reflexes
- Differential diagnosis
- Stimulation techniques with Lich, metronomes and Optodrum
- Adjustment and manipulation techniques for the spine
Lesson 11
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the clavicle and cervical spine in lateral position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the clavicle and 1st rib in standing position
- Fast stretch pectoralis minor and subclavius in standing position
Lesson 12
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the clavicle and cervical spine in lateral position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the clavicle and 1st rib while standing
- Fast stretch pectoralis minor and subclavius in standing position
Lesson 13
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the atlas with the thumb
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the cervico-thoracic junction in prone position
Lesson 14
- Motion palpation of the cervical spine in a sitting position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the cervical spine in a sitting position
Lesson 15
- Explanation of the malposition of the pelvis
- Brain-based errors of the pelvis
- Why do disorders/subluxations occur in the pelvis?
- Which muscles are involved?
- Motion palpation pelvis
- Adjustment/ manipulation of PI and AS in lateral position
- Adjustment/ manipulation of pelvis and lumbar spine in coupled biomechanics
Lesson 16
- Motion palpation of the lumbar spine
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the thoracolumbar junction with droppiece
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the so-called anterior lumbar vertebrae and thoracic vertebrae
Lesson 17
- Simple analysis of the ankle joint
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the ankle joint
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the talus
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the ankles
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the foot with droppiece
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the fibular head
- Fast stretch piriformis / gluteus
Lesson 18
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the upper limb
- Adjustment/ manipulation of the lower extremity
- Fast stretch shoulder / elbow / wrist after analyzing brain based disorders
- Fast stretch hip / knee after analyzing brain-based disorders
- First Exam
- Functional neurological screening (cortex, cerebellum, vestibule, brain stem…)
- Postural analysis
- Functional testing of the spine
- Eye tests
- Treatment/ adjustment of the hemisphericity